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Member Spotlight: Lew F.

My history of trying to stay in shape has consisted of running and biking, which were good for my cardio but not so good for my strength. Also, I would only run and bike during warm weather which left a lot of down time the rest of the year.

Since starting CF in October of 2014 I have worked out year-round and have added strength and muscle, which is nice, but, at the end of the day, I could get that lifting weights in any old gym. What I like most about CF, and what sets it apart, is the people.

I run and bike by myself so joining a gym and doing group workouts has been a real change for me. I realize we all suffer through WODs on our own but even so, when I am struggling, I feel like I’m part of a team. I really appreciate when people cheer for me to get through a lift or an exercise—and not once have I ever felt like the cheering was patronizing or condescending.

I like the way we push each other to do our best, to test our limits. I enjoy the excitement, challenge, and energy of doing the Open on Friday nights; the energy in the room is really something.

A couple of weeks ago a group of us participated in the Festivus Games at a CF in Indiana where we didn’t know anybody but us. We stuck together as a team, but even better, complete strangers were cheering us on—and we were cheering for them as well. So, I thank you all for helping me improve in my time at 630.

Coach's Note:

Lew has been an awesome addition to our community. Seeing him bust his butt and push through things that might not be in his wheel house, but he gets after them, is an inspirational sight. Lew is a jokester and he's an absolute blast to coach.

Lew participates in most of the extra curricular activities we have at the gym (holiday party, grill outs, poker nights, Friday Night Lights, competitions, etc...) and I really appreciate that. He works hard and is a great part of our workout family. Keep up the great work Lew, your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed.


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